Monday, May 6, 2013

(#1) Dear Jonathan...

Dear Jonathan,
I can't wait to meet you. I must admit, when your daddy and I first found out that we were going to have a baby, we were a bit scared. But as you'll learn, the Lord always provides a way for His plans to work out. I'm currently 23 weeks pregnant and as the months quickly go by and we get closer to holding you in our arms, I'm getting a little bit anxious. The fear is dwindling and the joy is growing. 

In fact, this very moment I'm sitting at a computer desk at school just waiting to pass the time. I've only got about four and a half hours before my next class and I can feel you kicking all over the place inside my ever-so-rounded belly. I'll be honest, driving an hour to school, sometimes for 12 hour days that only have two classes - sometimes I've gotten discouraged. It gets old, I get frustrated and sometimes I just want to give up. But because of your wonderful daddy and now you, I've got more and more reason to keep on truckin'. I've got one more reason with you on the way to finish school and work hard to help our little family in these first few years.

And that's just it. It's going to be hard these first few years. In advance, please forgive your father and me for when we get stressed out over the next while as you grow up. Chances are, we won't have a lot of money and it will take a bit of work to stay on our feet providing everything we need for the three of us, but God is good! He know that we are still learning too and He'll guide us every step of the way just as he did with our own parents. He has incredibly provided everything we've needed thus far (you wouldn't believe the support from friends and family we've had in preparation for you!) and we have no doubt that He'll continue to do the same as time goes on. Something you'll learn over time is that we can't depend on ourselves; we're only human and we make mistakes all the time! It's a hard lessen for me especially, but your dad has been so wonderful in helping me strive to trust the Lord in everything. With our awesome God's help, we will teach you how to serve and trust him in all things. I can't wait!

Jonathan, we love you so much. We pray for you daily (and try to play with you every night before we go to bed - sorry for all the poking in there, buddy, we can't help it!) and have dedicated you to the Lord before we even knew you were a boy. We will do our best to train you as a child of God, though we will fail at times, and pray that you grow up to be a strong man of faith with a big heart serving an even bigger King. I wish so much to kiss your cheeks and cuddle you so close to my heart, but I know I must be patient. I'll have so much time to do soon enough; all in God's time.

We can't wait to meet you, little man.

In Christ - your parents,
Mommy and Daddy

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