Saturday, June 8, 2013

Takin' it off and some updates.

It's time. I made it about 6 months wearing my wedding ring and yesterday I made the painful (comically and was tight!) decision to put away my beautiful wedding rain set until Jonathan arrives and my fingers (hopefully) go down in swelling shortly after. Though beautiful, the set once was a little too lose and now has started to make my finger so raw like a sore under a band-aid creating burns and cracks and the outter parts exposed on the sides of my ring have been itching horribly. I wanted so badly to hold onto it but Mark convinced me to just put it away and relieve myself from the annoying pain. After failed attempts to find something cheap and delicate to replace it (and yes, I'm talking about Walmart specials, people - $10 bucks or less!) and being too nervous to place it on a necklace (for fear it might snag, fall, and I'll lose it forever) looks like my ring finger will be flying solo on the blinged-out list for a little while. I'm still going to be lookin' for a cheap ring in the meantime though because I... I can't stand having a naked ring finger.

In other news, we are down to about thirteen weeks! That means the ten week countdown is right around the corner! This time last year I was anticipating a wedding...and now...a baby. It's amazing how fast these past few months have gone by and I know once Jonathan gets here it will seem even faster as he grows. He's not developing quietly though!

Every day I feel him move more and more. It's gotten to the point now where I can actually look down at my belly (wearing a shirt too - it doesn't ruin the view) and see him kick and sort of swim around. It's not how it used to be where'd I'd have to lay real still and prod away at him like a fascinated child poking a jellyfish on the beach. Jonathan now moves around as he pleases, tickling my ribs and gliding himself around my stomach which feels...crazy. Mark's been able to feel him move much more now too and that is probably the best part because it's in those moments that I feel like all three of us are connected as a family experiencing each other together. I love moments like those and can't wait to share in more!

OH! I almost forgot. We were given our crib and changing table last week by a family from Mark's home church a couple hours from here. Currently, the set is at his parents' place so soon enough we will be hauling it here and setting up the baby room. It's so antique and beautiful with it's simplicity --- I can't wait!

OH! Another thing - we are moved in! And it is so nice to have our own little home. I can only imagine the wonderful memories we will have here even in just a year. 

As far as my health goes, things are well for the most part. Except for the weight gain. It's been a bit frustrating to say the least, but at the same time, I'm learning a lot about what my body was designed to do and how beautifully it is working to take care of my son so I'm trying to appreciate this "pleasantly plump me" (while still looking forward to having the energy to do exhilarating exercise postpartum down the road). Besides the weight gain, I'm also running low on iron so I've been extremely tired and light headed lately. Trying to pump the spinach into my system and hoping that helps. Glad to know what's wrong with me though. At the end of the day, the myriad of symptoms only mean one thing: I'm sustaining a little one's life and these are such small prices to pay!

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