Thursday, March 14, 2013

Little kicks! [15 wks. 4 days]

I felt it; I finally experienced "the quickening." I finally know with all my heart that I actually felt this little baby of mine kicking and swimming around inside of me. It is the most extraordinary thing I have ever experienced and I cannot get over the creativity of our Lord!

Ironically enough, I was watching YouTube videos helping young and new mothers such as myself to understand nursing, eating habits, birth, etc., and ended up winding up in various videos in which mothers described or showed their little babies kicking and moving in all sorts of ways. I have always been baffled at this incredible event, but now more than ever it warmed my heart. 

I was in the middle of one particular video when suddenly, ironically enough, I felt the strangest pop/mini punch a little bit above my belly button. I was awkwardly sitting on the couch with my legs crossed and couldn't exactly place the specific location, but I instantly froze. What...was...that?! I thought to myself. No way! It was a sensation similar to flicking the inside of your cheek with your middle finger and what you would feel both inside and out. Very fast. Very unnatural. Very weird.

After calling my husband and mom to share the excitement of what I was sure was my first incredibly-real experience (since I'd thought maybe I felt movement a couple weeks previous but it was very minimal), things settled down and nothing happen for about a half hour. Then, as I was laying on the couch waiting and hoping for something else to happen, I felt the "popcorn bubbles" that I'd heard aaaaaaaall and read aaaaaaaall about. It's true. It's I began tapping the lower right section of my abdomen (around my hip) and each time I would finish, the bubbles would spur up in a cluster-like senesation. I did this a few times and then...the kicks began. Little tiny kicks were flicking my hand pressing gently on the outside of my abdomen and my heart began racing. I could NOT believe it. My baby was actually responding to me!

I can't wait for our little baby's continuous and more noticeable movements a few weeks from now, but at least I can decipher what is and isn't gas. Ha! It's incredibly exciting!

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